MOVE IT in the Community
Move IT is a FREE weight management service for children and young people aged 5-18 years, who are above their ideal weight and would benefit from a healthy lifestyle intervention programme
Consisting of 6 sessions the programme aims to help encourage children and their families to adopt a healthy lifestyle through offering healthy eating advice along with ideas and ways to increase physical activity. All sessions are either delivered as a 1-2-1 or with the family unit.
Move IT sessions are available in all Active Sefton leisure centres.

The programme offers the following 2 elements:
Move IT Families 5–6-year-olds
1-2-1 consultations at one of our leisure centres to discuss lifestyle, physical activity and dietary habits. We offer tailored advice and support and up-to-date information of clubs and organisations local to the children and their families.
Move IT Families 7–18-year-olds
A 6-week bespoke 1-2-1 exercise programme delivered at any of our leisure centres to help improve overall health and wellbeing, increase knowledge and understanding of nutrition and help to improve and maintain a healthy bodyweight.
We always encourage a ‘whole family’ approach which is fantastic opportunity for you all to spend time together such going for walks or bike rides instead of watching TV or spending time on your phone.
Any changes you make to your child's diet and lifestyle are much more likely to be accepted if the changes are small and involve the whole family!
Sign up today by clicking on the ‘Refer Now’ tab and fill out a referral form and a member of the Move IT team will be in contact or if you would like further information Call us on 0151 288 6286.
Keeping active can have a positive effect on our physical and mental wellbeing, there’s lots of different ways your family can stay active, here are some tips;
Design your own home-based circuit, include exercises like;
Star jumps
Side bounces
Fast feet on the spot
Or why not have a go of our junior circuit class or try out our games that can be played at home.
Take part in mindfulness or some taster yoga sessions we have put together for you.

Mental wellbeing
The current situation can influence children’s health and wellbeing in a negative way. These uncertain times can lead to children and young people experiencing levels of stress and anxiety.
For more tips to help your child cope with stress and anxiety click here.
For more 1-1 advice your child can visit kooth.co.uk an online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for children and young people.
Fussy eaters
We have created some fun ways to get children to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables they are consuming. Some children can be fussy with trying new tastes/textures so we’ve got different ideas on how to present them on a plate.
We’ve also created a video to help fussy eaters get used to different foods just by feel, this is in the hope that they will be more willing to taste them once they’ve finished playing with the fruit and veg.

Click on the links below to view our fun fruit and veg recipes