Active Workforce
Welcome to
Active Workforce aims to improve the health and wellbeing of our employees.
There are a huge number of well-known and well researched benefits to taking part in physical activities:
Increase lean muscle mass
Improve sleep
Assist in weight management
Improve mood
Reduce stress
Improve self-esteem and body confidence

Active Workforce
Member Benefits
Employees eligible for Active Workforce membership can access a fantastic range of benefits including heavily subsidised gym memberships - including our 'Buddy Scheme' - support, special offers, health assessments and practical health advice.
Plus, a great range of Active Workforce events and leagues to enter, either as individuals or as workplace teams, including 5K challenge, duathlon, netball, football and much, much more.
The option to become a member and enjoy the benefits of eight fantastic leisure centres for a heavily subsidised price of £27 (Activate Anytime membership normally £42).
Access to the Buddy Scheme allowing you to exercise alongside friends or family members at the subsidised rate of £30
Monthly e-newsletters and regular emails giving you access to useful health information, and Active Workforce special offers
Free health advice, hints and tips
Free health checks available to map physiological improvements
Weight Forward - Free 6 week weight management course, delivered online and face to face
Stress Buster Treatments
Free live, online 10 min pulse raisers
Free live, online exercise classes
Free access to Active Sefton's You Tube Channel containing a variety of recorded exercise classes
Free Workplace walks
Free Virtual Health Seminars including topics such as Stress, Sleep, Back Care, Osteoporosis, Managing Wellbeing, Low Mood, Anxiety and Menopause
Couch to 5K
Annual Event Programme, including 2 x 5k challenge, duathlon, athletics day, football & netball tournaments
Group walking trips
Free Monthly Challenges
Exercise Referral Programme
Monthly Book Club
Monthly Menopause Group
Menopause Cafes
Active Workforce
Employer Benefits
What would you get for your money?
Reduced absenteeism = reduced sickness absence costs. ​
Reduced workplace accidents and injuries. ​
Good corporate image – caring employer. ​
Improved concentration, motivation and therefore increased productivity and output. ​
Healthier employees. ​
Happier employees. ​
Improved morale in the workplace. ​
Loss of fewer experienced staff through retirement on ill-health grounds. ​
Helps attract and retain staff. ​
Improved employee relations. ​
Reduced premiums for health insurance.

If your business is new to Active Workforce, it couldn't be easier to join. Get in touch with our expert team for a quote bespoke to the needs of you and your workforce.
Can your organisation benefit from Active Workforce?
Contact us today on 0151 934 2079 or by email here.

Active Workforce
If you are an employee of any of the following organisations please register with Active Workforce below to access the programme and benefit your health.
Sefton Council
Greenbank High School (Southport)
Stanley High (Southport)
Kew Woods (Southport)
Chesterfield High (Crosby)
St Michael's High School (Crosby)
The Walton Centre (NHS)
Sefton Carers
New Directions
Southport Learning Rooms
Mersey View Trust
Rowan Park
Waterloo Primary
Forefield Infants
Forefield Juniors
Thomas Gray
If you work for an organisation in Sefton and it isn't listed above, then ask them to contact us to see how they can benefit from the Active Workforce scheme.