We are a falls prevention programme for residents who live in, and are registered with a Sefton GP aiming to prevent falls in over 60’s with the outcome that prevention is better than care. Clients must be referred by their GP or medical team.
It is a 12-week strength and balance programme focusing on improving muscle strength and joint stability. Additional home exercises are prescribed to maximise results from the programme and encourage sustainability. The exercise class is followed by a social element with tea, coffee and a chat.
For more information about the Active Ageing Programme, please contact the Active Lifestyles Team on 0151 934 2352 or Active.lifestyles@sefton.gov.uk. To be referred to Active Ageing please speak to your GP or Medical professional today
Participant Review
‘I wanted to emphasize how good I thought the programme was. The first week I was totally unconfident which I think, if I had not attended, would have got worse. I am so much more mobile than I was and that's because of going each week and learning different ways of exercising with the others in the group. Think it's so important that classes like this one carry on being held, particularly in this area, as the age group is higher than in other areas and risks of falling therefore increase considerably.’
– C.B July 2024
Time for the Facts
Facts about Falls
Falls and fractures in older people are often preventable. Reducing falls and fractures is important for maintaining the health, wellbeing and independence of older people.
Around a third of all people aged 65 and over fall each year, increasing to half of those aged 80 and over.
Amongst older people living in the community, 5% of those who fall in a given year will suffer from fractures and hospitalisation.
One in two women and one in five men in the UK will experience a fracture after the age of 50.
Falls impact on mental as well as physical health.
How exercise can help
Falls prevention
If you have a fear of falling, you may feel like moving less will help you avoid a fall, however, moving more and staying active is the best thing you can do to stay mobile and independent. On an Active Ageing programme, you will learn how to improve your strength, balance and co-ordination – all of which can help you prevent falls.
Our classes are small, friendly and run by qualified instructors to help you to re-build your confidence.